Getting ready to sell your home? From the initial stages of thinking about selling to when you accept an offer, we offer our expertise in guiding you through that process. We work very closely with realtors (if utilized) to make sure that your sale will go smoothly and without too many issues.
When you are purchasing a residential property, either as a first-time home buyer or a sophisticated investor or anywhere in between, we are here to facilitate all aspects of your transaction. Whether it is dealing with banks/lenders, mortgage brokers or realtors, we are here to keep you informed and guide you through each step of the process.
With respect to any existing property you may own, refinancing your current mortgage might be a viable option to either lower your mortgage rate or consolidate some debt or withdraw some equity from your property. We work closely with banks and lenders to facilitate these transactions, which can be done fairly quickly if time is of the essence.